Celebrating kindness

  Something wonderful happened on August 12, 2017. People came out, some driving 200 miles, to The Kind Fest in Snohomish, Washington. Choose Love UW came and offered free hugs and affirmations on clothes pins. The Joy Team brought positive message lawn signs and led a Chalk the Walks to scatter messages of optimism and […]

Friendly Neighbors

My Lutheran Church is neighbors with the local Islamic Center. They have been wonderful neighbors!! A few weeks ago we got together and packaged 14,000 meals for hungry children. This is just one example how we show love . East Lansing, MiShared by:Sharon

Uniting People Over A Mighty Bowl

The Mighty Bowl food truck & cafe in Vancouver, Washington, set a wonderful example of being the change you want to see in the world. The day after the election they ran a very special BOGO at all three of their locations. Whatever political leanings you have, bring a person with the opposite political belief to eat […]