Friendly Neighbors

My Lutheran Church is neighbors with the local Islamic Center. They have been wonderful neighbors!! A few weeks ago we got together and packaged 14,000 meals for hungry children. This is just one example how we show love . East Lansing, MiShared by:Sharon

Uniting People Over A Mighty Bowl

The Mighty Bowl food truck & cafe in Vancouver, Washington, set a wonderful example of being the change you want to see in the world. The day after the election they ran a very special BOGO at all three of their locations. Whatever political leanings you have, bring a person with the opposite political belief to eat […]

Food bags for students in need

Wanted to share our project! Tonight we packed 75 ‘grab and go’ food bags for our local middle school in Newberg, OR. They have a large number of students who are food insecure, meaning they don’t always know where their next meal is coming from. Our school district has the whole week of Thanksgiving off, […]